We still recommended dishes and Pastry Cooking School, Land Soup For Today ...: Duck Breast GRILLED ON APPLE AND MUSHROOM RISOTTO, to enjoy this dish, We need the following ingredients:

• 2 magrets fresh duck

• 1 big Onion

• 2 large apples

• 1 As rice pump (some 300 grams to about 4 people)

• 750 ml broth

• 200 g vines

• The zest of 2 oranges

• 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil

• Sal, freshly ground black pepper


For magret

Salpimentamos on the side of the fat (with cuts already made) and add the chosen spices to give it more flavor.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and place the duck with the fat part on the griddle and seal until crisp for a few 6 minutes, We sealed back and booked into absorbent paper.

For the risotto

In a low casserole or a wide frying pan, add a good splash of extra virgin olive oil and gently fry an onion (finely chopped) until translucent, almost transparent. Add the mushrooms cut into quarters, we suffered 5 minutes more and add the apple cut into small squares and season everything. cook for 5-6 minutes on medium-high, so that the sofrito release all water and is coupled with the flavors of onion. Remove from the pan and reserve.

Add the rice to the casserole and toast it with a little more olive oil, 1 minute over high heat comes to spare. When the rice grains take on a translucent appearance, add a ladle of chicken broth. We must add the hot liquid in three times, stirring frequently. We have to wait for this broth to evaporate before adding another ladle, never have too controlling broth in the pan but not be dry.

We repeat the process of adding liquid until the rice is tender but whole, a little al dente, harder than we are used to at home. I do not put cooking times because it depends a lot on the type of kitchen, of the temperature and of the rice that you use. Although times vary between 15 Y 20 minutes, Season with salt Remove from the heat and add the fried onion, mushrooms and apple we have reserved. stir well, helping the flavors come together. We are also going to add the zest of two oranges (only the skin without reaching the white part) and mix.


Based on support risotto duck breast cut into fan

Once the Duck Breast GRILLED ON APPLE AND MUSHROOM RISOTTO, ready to serve, We must not forget the option of a good wine for an ideal pairing... For this dish we recommend three options of red wine…

Came: heel

Bodega: SolerGibert

DO: Pla de Bages

toc-de-Solergibert sommelier-gourmet

Came: Tower Veguer Grapes of Immortality

Bodega: Tower Veguer

DO: Penedés

Sommelier Gourmet Tower Veguer

Came: Cervoles Stratas

Bodega: Cérvoles

DO: Costers del Segre

Cervoles Sommelier Gourmet

Would you include some other wine? Leave your comments ...

For more information visit Sommelier Gourmet app, the wine guide that lets you view up 1100 combinations of pairings with national and international dishes of all kinds.

*Recipe: Cooking and Bakery's School, Terra d'Escudella. http://terradescudella.com
