Today we recommend five wines from Denomination of Origin Pla de Bages, that you will be able to know through different pairings available in our mobile application Sommelier Gourmet.

Came: Matacans
Bodega: Solergibert
Varietales: Cabernet franc, Cabernet Sauvignon
Style: Red Barrel
pairings: Rabbit onions with red vermouth

Matacans SommelierGourmet

Came: Bernat Oller Rosat
Bodega: Mas Oller
Varietales: Cabernet franc, Syrah, Merlot, Black picapoll, Parellada
Style: Pinkish
pairings: Hamburger in tomato sauce

Bernat oller rosat Sommelier Gourmet


Came: Abadal Picapoll
Bodega: Abadal
Varietales: picapoll
Style: White without aging
pairings: Marinero risotto

Abadal Sommelier Gourmet

Came: Pic
Bodega: Solergibert
Varietales: picapoll
Style: White aging
pairings: Cod in seafood sauce

Pic SolerGibert Sommelier Gourmet


Came: Nuat
Bodega: Abadal
Varietales: picapoll
Style: White aging
pairings: Salmon Lasagna


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